D24621: [RFC] New Konsole and Yakuake icons

Mariusz Glebocki noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Oct 14 22:44:11 BST 2019

mglb added a comment.

  Please note that Konsole icon is intended to be personalized icon/"logo" (see T10243 <https://phabricator.kde.org/T10243>).
  The prompt symbol is thick as it is main symbol (like symbols in e.g Plasma, Akregator, Kile, "K" icons/logos) - the window-like background (or just square in var C) is just secondary addition.
  I did Yakuake symbol first and this is the only one I really like. Konsole symbol is just an attempt to make something similar, so ideas how to modify it are welcome.
  In D24621#546750 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24621#546750>, @ndavis wrote:
  > I think that green color is not particularly Breeze-like and there's no clear reason why green would be a symbol for Konsole.
  This is  "Icon Green" (the prompt slightly lighter, K slightly darker), breeze secondary color.
  In terminals era, monochrome monitors were usually green, amber or white. Green one was apparently most popular. Green terminal is also a thing in pop culture today.
  > I do like the idea of tabs on the bottom, but they look a bit off somehow. Maybe it's because they don't look like Breeze tabs? We may want to consider changing the look of Breeze tabs in the future though, so it's probably best if we don't try too hard to match the look of the Breeze widget theme.
  >  Maybe something like this? I'm not sure. F7592258: Screenshot_20191014_011043.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F7592258> F7592287: konsole.svg <https://phabricator.kde.org/F7592287>
  Intentional - I wanted to make it more symbolic than real-looking. Realistic widget representations are good for utility icons (e.g preferences) IMO. Also, when I look at this dark background and ">_" in variant B, I see something like squarish Konsole-Konqui :P
  In D24621#546894 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24621#546894>, @trickyricky26 wrote:
  > gradients with bigger differences between the colors.
  Changed, now the ligthness difference in dark gradient is similar to other icons.
  > IIRC the discussion about the redesign of these icons started with the problem that they are not recognizable enough as standalone apps, not just as genric terminal emulators. I think we should try to experiment some more with the "K" symbol until we maybe find a variant that we like and fits well enough with other Breeze icons. Otherwise, I don't necessarily think or one of the variant B icons will be an improvement over the current Konsole icon, which I personally like because of it's simplicity.
  There were also complaints that there is no Konsole icon in Breeze, only generic utilities-terminal.
  Update: lighter background
  F7595525: konsole-icon.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F7595525>

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: mglb, #vdg, #konsole, #yakuake, trickyricky26
Cc: trickyricky26, ndavis, cblack, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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