File descriptor leak

Mariusz Glebocki mglb at
Mon Apr 1 06:18:56 BST 2019

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 3:35 PM Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm running a Fedora 29 installation which has Konsole 18.12.2.
> I notice that all process launched from the terminal have some
> additional file descriptors, see
> $ lsof -p $$
> bash    30055 test  cwd    DIR              253,3      5120 10027009 /home/test
> bash    30055 test  rtd    DIR              253,1      4096        2 /
> bash    30055 test  txt    REG              253,1   1190216  1708312 /usr/bin/bash
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1   8406312   787043 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1     47648  1756662 /usr/lib64/
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1 217749968  1704074 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1   2786472  1709415 /usr/lib64/
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1     29320  1709421 /usr/lib64/
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1    205480  1718729 /usr/lib64/
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1     26398  2101464 /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
> bash    30055 test  mem    REG              253,1    228072  1737676 /usr/lib64/
> bash    30055 test    0u   CHR              136,7       0t0       10 /dev/pts/7
> bash    30055 test    1u   CHR              136,7       0t0       10 /dev/pts/7
> bash    30055 test    2u   CHR              136,7       0t0       10 /dev/pts/7
> bash    30055 test    3r   REG              253,1   8406312   787043 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
> bash    30055 test   19u  unix 0x000000003ced4c4b       0t0    55824 /run/user/25800/plasmashellAZFpUo.4.slave-socket type=STREAM
> bash    30055 test   20u  unix 0x00000000e0652f18       0t0    53654 /run/user/25800/plasmashellEnUZyE.1.slave-socket type=STREAM
> bash    30055 test   32u  unix 0x00000000a2333eec       0t0    52580 /run/user/25800/plasmashellPiiBFU.3.slave-socket type=STREAM
> bash    30055 test   33u  unix 0x000000004e2374dd       0t0    55750 /run/user/25800/plasmashelldrtBhD.2.slave-socket type=STREAM
> bash    30055 test   37u  unix 0x000000009da65e58       0t0    55830 /run/user/25800/plasmashellmcEFFS.6.slave-socket type=STREAM
> bash    30055 test  255u   CHR              136,7       0t0       10 /dev/pts/7
> (the /run/user/25800/plasmashell<XXXX>.slave-socket ones).
> I tried to have a look at the sources but I cannot find where these sockets
> are created or why they are used.
> In the /run/user/25800/ directory there are not these files.
> Frediano


These sockets are created by KIO:
They are created in (and passed from) plasma, so it might be bigger feature/bug.

I am able to reproduce it with a few 'dolphin*.slave-socket' when
running konsole from dolphin (Ubuntu 18.10).
Not much info, but maybe it will help somehow.

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