D15380: Add reset font size shortcut

Achim Bohnet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Sep 11 22:37:17 BST 2018

ach added a comment.

  + 1 for Ctrl-Shift-0
  Sidenote for non-konsole aka no-shift-modifier apps:
  If someone feels like making Ctrl-0 for apps that know about ctrl-+/- more popular:  it used is chrome and firefox, kmail and akregator.  But kate okular and gwenview miss this shortcut 
  Consistency rules ;-)
  Thanks for all the work and care you spend for KDE
  Achim - a happy KDE

  R319 Konsole


To: lbergdoll, hindenburg, tcanabrava, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: ach, kvermette, rizzitello, lbergdoll, hindenburg, fabianr, dhaumann, kde-doc-english, z3ntu, ngraham, konsole-devel, herrold, skadinna, maximilianocuria
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