Updates to Konsole Code

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at kde.org
Tue Aug 21 09:08:00 BST 2018

Hello People,

I think it's time that I send an e-mail here presenting myself, as most of
you have already seen some commits with my name. I'm Tomaz Canabrava, a e.V
member for a few years and I contribute with random projects within KDE for
about ten years.

The reason I started sending patches to Konsole is because I wanna
modernize the codebase a bit, while I know that reworking code that already
exists can introduce new bugs it can also close old ones and simplify the
code by using new features of the language or Qt, for instance, one of the
patch series that I'm trying to merge now:

 34 files changed, 571 insertions(+), 1603 deletions(-)

This is roughly 1/3 of the original code, with some bugs fixed, some bugs
created, but overall a nice code reduction and a increase in

My focus for the following patches in konsole are going to be:
- Rework the ViewSplitter / TabWidget / SessionManager code to remove the
tabs / splits as they exist and create something similar to Terminator
(where there is only *one*  tabbar, and each tab there are N splits,

- Rework the TerminalDisplay widget for OpenGL/Vulkan output, so we can
have smooth scrooling and a faster repaint, this will also facilitate the
usage of a Konsole "part" in Qml

So, please, if you see a review with my name in the konsole group, be kind.
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