[Konsole-devel] [konsole] [Bug 351380] Ubuntu Mono. Unicode + color => truncate last character.

Konstantin k-i-r at inbox.ru
Mon Aug 17 13:29:41 UTC 2015


--- Comment #2 from Konstantin <k-i-r at inbox.ru> ---
Result for v 2.13.2 just the same. The letters cut on every boundary between
colorized text and not colorized. For example:
> GREEN='\033[32m'
> printf "✕ it should${RED} be ${GREEN}less ${NC}than 3\n"
>> ✕ it shoul(cut) beless than 3

Also, moving the curson through the string without any colors is hard. Try this
> printf "✕ it should be less than 3\n"  # copy-paste and try to edit the string

Fonts with problems:
 - Ubuntu Mono
 - TlwgMono
 - Tlwg Typo
 - Oxygen Mono
 - Droid Sans Mono
- Courier 10 Pitch

Fonts without problems:
- Liberation Mono
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Andale Mono
- Monospace
Courier New

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