No subject

Mon Apr 22 03:57:02 UTC 2013

=== Using SUSE - KDE 3.4.2
Konsole 1.5.2 (KDE 2.4.2 level "b", SUSE 10.0) crashes every time I do a 
recursive ls -laR. There are 74,000 files, with a mix of directories, 
files, symbolic links, and such, that spews forth a multitude of colours 
(red, blue, green, cyan, black, gray, magenta) -- as it should.

It can be reproduced 100% of the time.

==== Using SUSE - KDE 3.5
It was a bit rough, but I've upgraded to KDE 3.5.0 Level "a" and Konsole 

I'm pleased to say that it does not crash nearly as often. (Of course, 
it could be that I'm no longer compiling programs as frequently as I was 

However, I can still replicate the bug and crash the Konsole. Usually 
this has detrimental effects on KDE/X.

1. Settings >> Font >> Linux
2. Settings >> Size >> 80x40 (XTerm)
3. ls -laR /usr

Repeat step 3 until crash. Sometimes I started over with ^C. Within 20 
times of repeating step 3, I managed crashes with two different fonts 
(logs attached).

The first log (konsole-crash-01.txt) is from my regular font (Custom, 
Misc Fixed, Regular, 7).

The second log is from using the Linux font & size.

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