[Konsole-devel] Fwd: Help French user

Kurt Hindenburg kurt.hindenburg at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 03:56:59 UTC 2009

The net translation wasn't that good... anyone help?

J' hope not to disturb you. My spot m' force to ask you this question: how
having to download software (notammant of design assistee by computer) on an
environment KDE university divided into sessions then to use them? It m' is
known as to open them with l' one of the elements appearing in a list, but
which to choose (those which j' have tests do not seem nothing to change).
There is a d' means; to use this kind of software on KDE. I would like not
to have to pass by the engineering service of l' university, thus wanting to
preserve a certain discretion on my activities. I thank you d' advances for
d' possible councils.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: YATCHET NGAHA Bertrand <yatchetngahabertrand at yahoo.fr>
Date: 2009/1/7
To: kurt.hindenburg at gmail.com

J'espere ne point vous deranger.
Ma tache m'impose de vous poser cette question: comment ayant telecharger
des logiciels (notammant de conception assistee par ordinateur) sur un
environnement KDE universitaire divisé en sessions puis les utiliser? Il
m'est dit de les ouvrir avec l'un des elements apparaissant dans une liste,
mais lequel choisir ( ceux que j'ai teste ne semblent ne rien changer). Y a
t il un moyen d'utiliser ce genre de    logiciel sur KDE.
Je voudrais ne pas avoir à passer par le service technique de l'universite,
voulant ainsi conserver une certaine discretion sur mes activites.

je vous remercie d'avance pour d'eventuels conseils.
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