[Konsole-devel] [Bug 88880] please document control characters for title bar and tab text

lars.doelle at on-line.de lars.doelle at on-line.de
Sun Oct 22 01:56:37 UTC 2006

Part of the problem is, that what was supposed to be the technical
documentation is buried deep in a subdirectory of the sources.

See konsole/doc/VT100/techref.html

The technical reference was hooked into the "Help" menu, originally,
today it is not even distributed with the binaries (at least in debian).

It never got a final redaction, is not maintained, and slightly out of sync.
I originally planned to make a mechanism to keep the documentation of
the supported codes in sync with the ones actually recognised, which is
one of the reasons, why this particular subdirectory appears like a
complete mess.

To some degree such a reference is vital, partially, because there
is no real standard (beside perhaps ECMA), and some extensions
and modifications by various implementations. Terminal codes are
a misery in that each terminal is a bit different in respects of which
codes it accepts and the konsole is an exception here only in that
it did not add its own private codes.

The konsole merges material from VT100/VT220/Linux console and xterm
collected such that it is pretty compatible with all of them in many respects.
Parts of the documentation was an attempt to track the individual (sub)codes
back to its origin to allow a compatibility statement.

Now not having such a list is indeed anything but a good style especially
in the light of the compatibility problems inherent in this particular trade.

The codes, Slava asks for, originate from xterm and are documented there.
This documentation (of the xterm codes) is also not distributed with the
binaries but can be found with the xterm sources in a file named "ctlseqs.ms"
(which can be typeset e.g. to a postscript file using nroff/groff).

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