[Konsole-devel] Patch - AppScreen keytab support

Don Mahurin dmahurin at dma.org
Sat Mar 6 01:49:10 UTC 2004

Attached is a patch to support the AppScreen mode in a keytab.
The mode already existed so, this patch just registers the symbol.
This allows one to have the bindings differ if the console is in 
application mode ( scrollbar disabled), as with an editor like vi.

Here would be a sample use:

key Prior +Shift +AppScreen : "\E[5$"
key Next +Shift +AppScreen: "\E[6$"

key Prior +Shift -AppScreen  : scrollPageUp
key Down  +Shift  -AppScreen : scrollLineDown

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Name: konsole-keytab-AppScreen.patch
URL: <http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/konsole-devel/attachments/20040305/8c2ca467/attachment.ksh>

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