[Konsole-devel] Build errors on Solaris 8

Eric Rife erife at gnx.com
Tue Mar 18 05:30:01 UTC 2003

I have figured out what the problem is. The gar.lib.mk file has an error
in it.

Here is the original code.

#################### CHECKSUM RULES ####################

# check a given file's checksum against $(CHECKSUM_FILE) and
# error out if it mentions the file without an "OK".
checksum-%: $(CHECKSUM_FILE)
        @echo " ==> Running checksum on $*"
        @if grep -- '$*' $(CHECKSUM_FILE); then \
                if LC_ALL="C" LANG="C" md5sum -c $(CHECKSUM_FILE) 2>&1 |
grep -- '$*' | grep -v ':[ ]\+OK'; then \
echo '*** GAR GAR GAR!  $* failed checksum test!  GAR GAR GAR! ***'
1>&2; \
                        false; \
                else \
                        echo 'file $* passes checksum test!'; \
                        $(MAKECOOKIE); \
fi \
        else \
                echo '*** GAR GAR GAR!  $* not in $(CHECKSUM_FILE) file!
GAR GAR GAR! ***' 1>&2; \
                false; \

#################### EXTRACT RULES ####################

This is the fixed code. All that was done is the success response was
swapped with the failed response, so that when you had a valid checksum
it would fail.

#################### CHECKSUM RULES ####################

# check a given file's checksum against $(CHECKSUM_FILE) and
# error out if it mentions the file without an "OK".
checksum-%: $(CHECKSUM_FILE)
        @echo " ==> Running checksum on $*"
        @if grep -- '$*' $(CHECKSUM_FILE); then \
                if LC_ALL="C" LANG="C" md5sum -c $(CHECKSUM_FILE) 2>&1 |
grep -- '$*' | grep -v ':[ ]\+OK'; then \
                        echo 'file $* passes checksum test!'; \
                        $(MAKECOOKIE); \
                else \
                        echo '*** GAR GAR GAR!  $* failed checksum test!
GAR GAR GAR! ***' 1>&2; \
                        false; \
                fi \
        else \
                echo '*** GAR GAR GAR!  $* not in $(CHECKSUM_FILE) file!
GAR GAR GAR! ***' 1>&2; \
                false; \

#################### EXTRACT RULES ####################

Eric Rife

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