[Konsole-devel] Konsole, Key Codes, & Gnu Emacs

Steve beforew at eskimo.com
Mon Jul 22 17:35:05 UTC 2002


I'm using Red Hat 7.3, KDE 3.0, and Gnu Emacs 21.1.

I'm having problems using emacs inside of konsole.

Some keybindings do not work.

In this case C-<right> (hodling down the control key while pressing the 
right pointing arrow).

I did some research in the comp.emacs and gnu.emacs.help archives on google.

This problem is not just an issue with konsole, but other x terminals as 

The problem is that the terminal doesn't recognize C-<right> as a 
combination, so it doesn't send a unique code for that stroke.

Without such a code emacs can't capture that event from the keyboard and 
execuate the desired command.

If you boot up a blank file in emacs while using konsole you can use the 
command C-q ( control q ) to get the code of any key echoed to the screen.

Doing this for the right arrow gives you:

Doing this for C-<right> gives you:

In other words konsole doesn't recognize C-<right>, so it only sends the 
code for <right> ( arrow ).


Anyway, is there anyway I can augment konsole so that it will send a 
code for C-<right> and the other combinations it ignores as keystrokes?

Thanks in advance


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