[Konsole-devel] Bug#41658: locale strangely not found

jerome.trullen at wanadoo.fr jerome.trullen at wanadoo.fr
Thu Apr 25 22:28:23 UTC 2002

Package: konsole
Version: KDE 3.0.0 
Severity: normal
Installed from:    Mandrake RPMs
Compiler:          Not Specified
OS:                Linux
OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified

I try to use the french version of KDE provided by the kde-i18n-fr3 package. This package is installed.
The problem is that for all the applications I tried: kmail, konqueror and konsole, if I launch the program with no argument (ie: kmail), I have the error:
"kdecore (KLocale): WARNING: found no definition of PluralForm for fr" twice and the texts are partly translated. But if I launch the program with the argument "-icon <icon>.png" (ie: kmail -icon kmail.png, no error and everything is translated.
This may sounds like a misconfiguration more than like a bug, but it is strange that an argument added to an executable could solve a misconfiguration. problem.

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)

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