Memory Leak when doing Reload()

Stefan Strobl nst at
Wed Oct 7 21:38:35 CEST 2009


I'm having trouble with a memory leak when doing reloads. I've been
searching for over a week now but am not getting any closer. Could
anyone please help me with this issue? Maybe you can try if your system
behaves the same?

I applied attached patch to konq-e-0.2-20040524 to be able to trigger a
reload externally. I'm then using the attached program in main.cpp which
does the triggering (via QCopChannel).

A simple test page of 2,4kB size causes a leak of about 476kB after a
100 reloads.

I'm cross-compiling for ppc, using qte-3.3.4 and this is my configuration:
./configure --host=ppc-linux --enable-embedded --enable-qt-embedded
--without-arts --disable-pcre --disable-debug --disable-mt
--enable-fontsubs --enable-xmlui --enable-final --prefix=/home/konq-e
--with-extra-libs=$QTDIR/src/3rdparty/libjpeg --with-ipv6-lookup=n

Many thanks

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