what is the neccessary requirement to build Konqueror code successfully?

刘富国 lfg831207 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 04:23:07 CET 2009

I always got errors when building Konqueror  code.
sombody told me that I used the wrong version of gcc or qtopia!

but by following instruction from *http://www.basyskom.de/index.pl/konqe*.
I got lots of errors.I can't stand that anymore.

My QT version is *qt3(I can't find 2.3.12)*,
qtopia is *4.3.2(I can't find *2.2.0*)* ,
Konqueror *kdenox_snapshot_qt2_2007032*0,
gcc *4.3.2*.

Is there anything wrong with my tools?

Good luck!
Thanks in advance!
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