My konqueror_embedded cann't support javascript,need for help!

sebastian.rajan at sebastian.rajan at
Mon Mar 10 05:19:08 CET 2008

Can you please check whether Javascript is enabled in konq-embedrc file?

It should look like as follows,

[Java/JavaScript Settings]


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-----Original Message-----
From: lester94 [mailto:lester94 at] 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 11:38 AM
To: konq-e at
Subject: My konqueror_embedded cann't support javascript,need for help!

    I need a web browser that can work on my mainstoneII(arm) board,so I try to cross compile a konqueror(konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20030705).at last I successfully get the binary file "konqueror",which can work on my board in the qt grafic envirenment.while using konqueror on the board ,I found that it dosen't support JavaScript .when I cross-compiled konqueror,I did choose the options below:--with-javascript=static --enable-jshostext.but it seems they didn't work.
    for example ,when I open a webpage which source code is as below:
My first JavaScript!
This is a normal HTML document.
  <script language="LiveScript">
    document.write("this by JavaScript!")
Back in HTML again.
I got :
My first JavaScript!
This is a normal HTML document.
Back in HTML again.
<img src="">
I'm sure that the variables and envirenment are set correctly .could tell me why it cann't support Javascript?
thank you very much!!!
APPENDIX:how I build the konqueror
1:build qt-embedded2.3.10
./configure -qconfig qpe -system-jpeg -no-xft -depths 16 -xplatform linux-arm-g++ -gif -thread make 2:build qtopia2.1.1 ./configure -languages zh_CN -thread -xplatform linux-arm-g++ -displaysize 1024x768 -prefix=$QPEDIR/../target make 3:build konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20030705
./configure \
--prefix=/root/opt/9307-work/konq/target \ --host=arm-linux \ --target=arm-linux \ --disable-debug \ --enable-embedded \ --enable-qt-embedded \ --enable-qpe \ --with-gui=qpe \ --enable-static \ --disable-shared \ --enable-mt \ --enable-qtopia \ --enable-largeicons \ --with-extra-libs=/usr/local/arm/3.3/lib:$QPEDIR/lib:/root/opt/9307-work/openssl-0.9.7d \ --with-extra-includes=/usr/local/arm/3.3/include:$QPEDIR/include:/root/opt/9307-work/openssl-0.9.7d/include \ --with-qt-includes=$QTDIR/include \ --with-qt-libraries=$QTDIR/lib \ --with-qtopia-dir=$QPEDIR \ --enable-fontsubs \ --enable-sidebar \ --enable-readwrite \ --with-javascript=dynamic \ --enable-jshostext \ --with-ssl-dir=/root/opt/9307-work/openssl-0.9.7d


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