konqueror /embedded with qtopia-2.2.0 version

Stefan Eilers stefan.eilers at basyskom.de
Thu Sep 6 09:18:35 CEST 2007

Am 06.09.2007 um 06:50 schrieb idupop:

> fix it :D ref image

Great! Where was the mistake? :)

Mfg., Dr. Stefan Eilers

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Eilers
Projekt Manager

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 3968753 | Fax: -736 | Mobile: +49 170 4213459
stefan.eilers at basyskom.de | www.basyskom.de

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 9352
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Eva Brucherseifer

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