Konq/e crashes on javascript

Andre Kwakernaak akwakernaak at aweta.nl
Thu Oct 11 08:12:42 CEST 2007

I have checked the configure script for qt-embedded-free3.3.4. There is no such option to enable (or disable) rtti in Qt. 


From: Bill Fassler [mailto:bill.fassler at yahoo.com] 
Sent: woensdag 10 oktober 2007 17:05
To: For discussion of Konqueror/Embedded
Subject: Re: Konq/e crashes on javascript

Did you also enable rtti support in your QT library?


Andre Kwakernaak <akwakernaak at aweta.nl> wrote: 

	I'm having trouble with JavaScript on Konq/e 
	I 've compiled qt-embedded-free-3.3.4 with configure -thread.
	Konq/e is configured with the following options:
	--with-qt-dir=/root/qt-embedded-free-3.3.4 --with-qt-libraries=/root/qt-embedded-free-3.3.4/lib 
	--with-qt-includes=/root/qt-embedded-free-3.3.4/include --host=i686-linux --with-ipv6-lookup=no 
	--without-xinerama --enable-scrollbars --disable-selection --enable-bookmarks --with-javascript=static 
	--enable-debug=full --disable-printing --enable-pcre --without-arts --enable-jshostext --enable-final 
	--enable-qt-embedded --enable-fwnewepg=yes --enable-embedded --with-gui=kiosk --enable-rtti-embedded 
	--enable-ftp --enable-fullscreenmenu --enable-mt --without-ssl 
	I 've got Konq/e running and it shows simple html pages without any problems, however if I try to load a page with some javascript it crashes.
	The debug output of Konq/e: 
	Creating mouse: Auto
	debug: Launcher::dispatchLoop()...
	debug: parsing /usr/share/config/konq-embedrc
	debug: parsing /root/.kde/share/config/konq-embedrc
	debug: dcopclient::call(DCOPServer, , setDaemonMode(bool))
	I couldn't enable daemon mode at the dcopserver!
	debug: parsing /usr/share/config/kcookiejarrc
	debug: parsing /root/.kde/share/config/kcookiejarrc
	debug: parsing /usr/share/config/khtmlrc
	debug: parsing /usr/share/config/khtmlrc
	debug: new KRun 0x8e716e0 file:///usr/share/apps/konq-embed/start.html
	debug: creating slave for file:///usr/share/apps/konq-embed/start.html
	launcher: creating slave for protocol file
	debug: TransferJob::start( Slave *slave )
	debug: Run::foundMimeType( text/html ) url: file:///usr/share/apps/konq-embed/start.html
	debug: HTMLView::openURL file:///usr/share/apps/konq-embed/start.html type text/html
	debug: KHTMLPart(0x8e57cf0)::openURL file:///usr/share/apps/konq-embed/start.html
	debug: saveState!
	debug: saveState this=0x8e57cf0 'unnamed' saving URL file:///usr/share/apps/konq-embed/start.html
	QObject::connect: No such signal QObject::cleared()
	QObject::connect: (sender name: 'unnamed')
	QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'unnamed')
	debug: using compatibility parseMode
	launcher: creating slave for protocol file
	debug: SlaveBase: select() error 9, Bad file descriptor! exiting!
	launcher: error sending launcherSlavePidCmd: Broken pipe
	debug: SlaveBase: read() error 13, Permission denied! exiting!
	I have no idea what causes Konq/e to crash, any help is appreciated.
	konq-e mailing list
	konq-e at kde.org


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