The road ahead: Porting KHTML from KDELibs 3.5.7 to Qt2..

Akshay Mishra akshaymishra at
Thu May 31 11:35:54 CEST 2007

> >        I downloaded the basyskom konqe that works with qt 2.3.12. I
> > have my qt going with non multi-threaded version. patched the
> > konqueror otherwise but it dies asking for a libqte-mt.´
> >
> > Is there a way out ?
> Unfortunately you have to compile Qt with thread support. Konqueror
> Embedded uses threads and needs a working mutex in the Qt event
> queue.. Otherwise your Konqueror will crash randomly.
> It there any reason to compile Qt with disabled thread support?

My QT was crashing when I compiled it with a thread enable. I am
compiling it for ARM and was unable to setup threading. The konqueror,
otherwise, is quite stable and good. Supports ssl and java.

Will try it (QT) again with threading enabled and spend some time so
that am able to get the basyskom konqueror working.


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