konq-e does not work with flash enabled

Bill Fassler bill.fassler at yahoo.com
Tue May 29 22:21:13 CEST 2007

The only thing in the archives (FAQ) regarding Javascript that I noticed discussed updating SUSE KDE packages.  I am using SUSE 10.2 as a host build machine to build uClinux, mplayer and konq-embedded for a blackfin 537 development board (BF537-STAMP).  Everything works rather well except for konq-embedded.  Yesterday I installed every KDE package I didn't already have and updated all the ones I did have and have rebuilt konq-embedded with no better results.  I have played with cache both enabled and disabled.  With javascript enabled the browser crashes instantly.  With javascript disabled it seems to crash after opening a few (4 or 5) pages. I have enabled debug, but still do not see much of anything useful....

Also, oddly enough I have jpeg's displayed OK, but gif's do not display.  Any idea why that would be ??


Yan Seiner <yan at seiner.com> wrote: Bill Fassler wrote:
> I am also having difficulties with Konq-embedded, but my troubles seem 
> to be with javascript.  To the best of my knowledge www.google.com 
> does not have any flash, so I wonder why it would matter whether you 
> have it enabled or not.
> I am interested in knowing what your solution is if and when you find 
> it, in case it may apply to my problems as well....

Search the archives; both js and flash have been discussed along with 
various fixes and patches.

Both work on ARM boards but the flash viewer is for flash 3 or so only.


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