Kio slave protocol to AliEn

Martin Vala Martin.Vala at
Tue May 29 09:58:29 CEST 2007

Hi All,
 i would like to ask you how to create my own kio slave for application AliEn.
 AliEn is application developed by CERN for ALICE experiment to work with GRID
 system. It is just info for you.
 I have following questions. 
 AliEn has commands like
 alien_ls - which will list the dir structure in alien
 alien_cp - which will copy files from my pc to AliEn (grid Storage element 
 so on)
 .... and many others
 is it possible to create 
 alien:// kioslave protocol for this?
 if yes how will i do it and where to find documentation?
 Best Regards
 Martin Vala

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