Konq.o undefined undefined reference to

Sebastian Rajan sebastian.rajan at wipro.com
Wed Mar 7 08:19:48 CET 2007


I am compiling Konq/e snapshot 2002 natively in powerpc, with qt-2.3.2 
optimized for monochrome screen (i am able to run simple app on it).
I compiled KonqE successfully, to create Konq.o

But when I link Konq.o to my other module which loads Konq,

g++ -o acp *.o -lpthread -L$PWD/libs  -llaser -limpress -lagnicom 
-lboxLibEnc -lsasl2 -lmm -lpu -Wl,-T -Wl,ld.script

I get loads of error like,

Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c1c): undefined reference to 
`QPaintDevice::fontMet(QFont *, int, char const *, int) const'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c24): undefined reference to 
`QPaintDevice::fontInf(QFont *, int) const'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c2c): undefined reference to `QPixmap::detach(void)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c4c): undefined reference to `QObject::event(QEvent *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c54): undefined reference to 
`QObject::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c6c): undefined reference to `QObject::setName(char 
const *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c74): undefined reference to 
`QObject::insertChild(QObject *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c7c): undefined reference to 
`QObject::removeChild(QObject *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c8c): undefined reference to 
`QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c94): undefined reference to 
`QObject::childEvent(QChildEvent *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69c9c): undefined reference to 
`QObject::connectNotify(char const *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69ca4): undefined reference to 
`QObject::disconnectNotify(char const *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69cac): undefined reference to 
`QObject::checkConnectArgs(char const *, QObject const *, char const *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69cdc): undefined reference to 
`QCollection::newItem(void *)'
Konq.o:(.rodata+0x69cec): undefined reference to 
`QGDict::read(QDataStream &, void *&)'
Konq.o:(.got2+0x3de0): undefined reference to `vtable for HTMLFrameElement'
Konq.o:(.got2+0x3de4): undefined reference to `vtable for 
Konq.o:(.got2+0x3de8): undefined reference to `vtable for HTMLHeadElement'
Konq.o:(.got2+0x3dec): undefined reference to `vtable for HTMLHtmlElement'
Konq.o:(.got2+0x3df0): undefined reference to `vtable for 
Konq.o:(.got2+0x3df4): undefined reference to `vtable for HTMLDivElement'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV4File+0x18): undefined reference to 
`SlaveBase::put(KURL const&, int, bool, bool)'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV4File+0x1c): undefined reference to 
`SlaveBase::stat(KURL const&)'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV4File+0x20): undefined reference to 
`SlaveBase::mimetype(KURL const&)'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV4File+0x24): undefined reference to 
`SlaveBase::special(QArray<char> const&)'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV4File+0x28): undefined reference to 
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV4File+0x2c): undefined reference to 
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTI4File+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo 
for SlaveBase'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTI4KRun+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo 
for QObject'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV25HTMLBlockquoteElementImpl+0x4c): undefined 
reference to `NodeWParentImpl::nextSibling() const'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV25HTMLBlockquoteElementImpl+0x54): undefined 
reference to `NodeBaseImpl::insertBefore(NodeImpl*, NodeImpl*, int&)'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV25HTMLBlockquoteElementImpl+0x58): undefined 
reference to `NodeBaseImpl::replaceChild(NodeImpl*, NodeImpl*, int&)'
Konq.o:(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV25HTMLBlockquoteElementImpl+0x5c): undefined 
reference to `NodeBaseImpl::removeChild(NodeImpl*, int&)'

There are loads it like this..

Can anybody point-out where i made it wrong??


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