R: Problem crash with pages like http://www.google.it Platform SH4

nicola at nicoladefilippo.it nicola at nicoladefilippo.it
Fri Jun 15 12:28:00 CEST 2007

Hi Domenico,

>My questions are:
>1) could you please provide the exact options of the 2
configuration >procedures? >I am using the /dev/fb0, so I
suppose to use the >qt-embedded-free-3.3.8 and not >the

I have some problems with frame buffer (few colors) on my
board, but konqueror run corretly cross-compiled with 
qt-embedded-free-3.3.6 configured in this mode:

./configure -no-cups -thread -embedded sh4

If you want use "X"; i have cross-compiled qt-x11-free-3.3.6
configured in this mode:

./configure -no-xcursor -no-xinerama  -no-cups -thread
-dlopen-opengl -qt-gif

Note tha qt-x11 haven't cross-compilation options, thus you
must change compiler and compilation option manually in the

2) I have to install all in my target (based on ST710x CPU):
which folder do I have to install?


>3) can you also show the toolbar, such as navigation bar,
URL bar and menu bar?

>4) Are your compilation tool the STLinux-2.2 ??

ps. if you want contact me at private address

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