Help! Looking for any addon with Javascript extensions working on konq-e 3

Pascal Jacquemart p99_pascal at
Wed Apr 11 14:34:58 CEST 2007


I am using konqueror-embeded 3 (2006-01-21) complied with qte-3.3.8 for sh4 target.
It works very well, and I found it very impressive... 
I just made a plugin in order to embed a custom VideoPlayer into konqueror. 
This plugin is working by now and I am trying to integrate it into a JavaScript object.

I complied addons exemples from addons directory but I can't get them to work. I found very useful explanations about JsExtension from Paul Chitescu and a thread in Nable forums where someone says about ksimplesound addon: (,-Vol-46,-Issue-5-t3331498.html)
> So I copy the code from konq-e 2.x and made some modification to make js

> host extension work.

> You can try it.

Anyone can show me where I can find a plugin exemple with JsExtension working on konq-e3?
It should be a great help to get started into JavaScript integration...

Thanks,                                                    Pascal

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