konqueror with flash plugins

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Wed Sep 13 13:31:42 CEST 2006

saravanan sar wrote:
> hi..
> Has anyone compiled konqueror3-embedded web browser with flash plugins 
> for blackfin...?
> If so please let me know....
> i compiled konqueror/embedded web browser with flash by giving the 
> configure parameter as --enable-add-on=kflashpart ,but i could not 
> view websites such as adobe.com etc or any flash websites.....is there 
> any way for this...?
> Or else is it not possible ..?

The flash viewer in konq/e is version 3. Most likely the sites you want 
to view need a later version of flash.

> Any suggestions/solutions...?

Short of writing a more current version of flash, no.


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