Executing Konqueror

Martin Zwickel martin.zwickel at technotrend.de
Thu May 11 08:31:22 CEST 2006

On Thu, 11 May 2006 10:34:58 +0800
"KK Yong" <kehkok at gmail.com> bubbled:

> Hi all,
> I managed to solve the Fatal Error messege by assigning the KDEDIR
> path correctly.
> So, when I load ./konqueror -qws this time, it shows white screen on
> my TV. I am using embededd sys to run konq with QT 3.3.6.
> Do I need to assign any more argument like, ./konqueror -qws
> http://www.google.com?

Why don't you just try it??? *doh*

But yes, that should do it...

> Please help! Thanks.

Search the internet, most questions are answered there ...

Firmware update in the coffee machine

Martin Zwickel <martin.zwickel at technotrend.de>
Research & Development

TechnoTrend AG <http://www.technotrend.de>
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