sending launcherSlavePidCmd error

yj yunjnz at
Wed Mar 29 07:36:37 CEST 2006

I meet a problem while using konq/e,
the program exits when I accessing the web server
which I configured on my WindowsXP pro. the pages on
it is saved from and
the detail information:

debug: (19993) HTTPProtocol:retrieveHeader
debug:(19993) HTTPProtocol::httpOpen
debug:(19993) HTTPProtocol::httpCheckConnection:
Socket status: -1 Keep Alive: true First: false
debug: dcopclient::call(kded, kcookiejar,
findCookies(QString, long int))
launcher: creating slave for protocol http
launcher: error sending launcherSlavePidCmd: Broken
debug:(19994) HTTPProtocol::reparseConfiguration
debug: SlaveBase: select() error 9, Bad file
descriptor! exiting!
konqueror: dcopclient.cpp:120: bool
DCOPClient::call(const QCString&, const QCString&,
const QCString&, const QByteArray&, QCString&,
QByteArray&): Assertion 'res != -1' failed.

can anyone help me for this problem?
thank you and best regards,

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