Fwd: Re: Javascript and konq crash

yan seiner yan at seiner.com
Mon Mar 27 20:56:19 CEST 2006

Harri Porten wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Yan Seiner wrote:
>>Thanks for the pointer....  I am a complete newcomer to KDE / kfm 
>>Where and how do I find earlier versions of KJS?  I am assuming there is a 
>>CVS/SVN/??? archive somewhere, along with a versioning guide?  And how far 
>>back do I need to go?
>Yes. You'll find instructions here:
>  http://developer.kde.org/source/anonsvn.html
>This one still uses the old-style conversion:
>  http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdelibs/kjs/ustring.cpp?rev=199142&view=markup
>konq-e mailing list
>konq-e at kde.org
I've got a workaround but no real solution....

Replace the guts of the UString::from(double d) function with 
sprintf(buf,"%g",d); .  This avoids the call to kjs_dtoa() entirely.

It appears to work for my limited range of values.

If I have the chance I'll try to look at it in some more detail, but for 
now I have a workaround...

I was not able to find a working kjs_dtoa in either the cvs or svn 
repositories; I did not go back beyond 2002 when it was introduced....


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