Fwd: Re: Javascript and konq crash

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at cirulla.net
Mon Mar 27 17:48:07 CEST 2006

On Monday 27 March 2006 17:16, Yan Seiner wrote:

> Thanks for the pointer....  I am a complete newcomer to KDE / kfm
> development....
> Where and how do I find earlier versions of KJS?  I am assuming there is
> a CVS/SVN/??? archive somewhere, along with a versioning guide?  And how
> far back do I need to go?
> Thanks,

You can find KJS in KDE svn repository.
you can browse the repository online using on http://kdesvn.kde.org

for example:


If you want to check out a working copy of the repository read the page at 
the following url:



Łŭčīåñø Montanaro //
              \\ //
               \x/ www.cirulla.net

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