Javascript and konq crash

yan seiner yan at
Sat Mar 25 01:16:36 CET 2006

Luciano Montanaro wrote:

>On Friday 24 March 2006 14:26, Yan Seiner wrote:
>>Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
>>>Hi Yan,
>>>can you have a look at it? We are pretty busy with fixing other stuff...
>>OK, I've looked at it.... It's a scary mess.
>>In your javascript that fails, are you calling any floating point?
>>sin/cos? log?
>>The code that fails for us uses a good bit of floating point....  It
>>would be good to confirm that suspicion....
>The dtoa code is really quite intricated.
>It seem to be called from a single point in kjs, in ustring.
>Perhaps for testing purposes another conversion method (with sprintf or a 
>stringstream) could be used. If that works, the problem is indeed in dtoa.
OK, some testing....

Floating point in Javascript on ARM seems to be badly broken -

document.getElementById("xa"+idx).value =
                depth * 100 /

which should be

0.5 * 100 / 3 = 16.66667 - and in fact shows up as 16.6667 in Firefox on 
x86 - shows up as -0.0003 just before konq crashes....

The big question is where is it broken?  Can the kjs folks look at it?

I can tarball the code I am using if that will help....  But for now I 
am going to walk around and clear my head....


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