Javascript and konq crash

yan seiner yan at
Wed Mar 22 22:29:41 CET 2006

I've worked my way through a number of issues with konq....

But this one has me stumped.

Konq runs javascript fine, except that once in a while it crashes.

It crashes as follows:

   70 root     R        11M    68 99.9 41.6 konqueror
   71 root     S       5104    70  0.0 17.8 konqueror

Once process goes into what seems to be an infinite loop, consuming 100% 
of CPU resources.  After some 20 or 30 seconds, during which nothing is 
logged, konqueror suddenly and quitely goes away.

Nothing is in the log files, there is no kernel oops, nothing.

It appears to be triggered by something in the javascript, but I have no 
idea what that might be.

Is there any way to enable javascript debugging?



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