Konqueror embedded Q

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Fri Jan 13 11:16:15 CET 2006

> How do I link against it?  The config scripts don't have any option for
> linking against libstdc++....  AFAICT g++ automagically picks up
> libstdc++....  (Sorry, I'm very familiar with c++ development.....)
> I'd like to do it within the framework of qt-e/konq-e scripts....

Modify mkspecs/qws/*/qmake.conf so that it suit your needs. I have a line

	QMAKE_LIBS_QT_THREAD = -lm -lsupc++ -lqte-mt

in it and put

	LIBS += -lm -lsupc++
	CONFIG += thread

into my qmake.conf.

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