javascript makes konq-e crash, small window

yan seiner yan at
Thu Jan 12 18:02:53 CET 2006

Sorry if this has been discussed in the past; the mailserver seems to be 
refusing connections....

I have successfully compiled and run konqueror (yaaay!).  I am running 
qt-embedded-free-3.3.4 and konqueror3-embedded-0.2-20051128.

I have two questions:

1.  Javascript makes konqueror crash.

I've attached the web page below; as soon as the cursor enters one of 
the "onFocus" windows, konqueror crashes.  The page works as expected on 
regular (debian sarge-type) konqueror....

Here's the debug dump:

debug: HTMLView::openURL file:///test.html type text/html
debug: KHTMLPart(0x48d508)::openURL file:///test.html
debug: saveState!
debug: saveState this=0x48d508 'unnamed' saving URL file:///test.html
QObject::connect: No such signal QObject::cleared()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'unnamed')
debug:  using compatibility parseMode
debug: Reading Entry General/windowForeground
debug: Reading Entry /firstBox
debug: Reading Entry General/windowForeground
debug: Reading Entry /secondBox
debug: Reading Entry General/windowForeground
debug: Reading Entry /thirdBox
debug: _finished
debug: [void KIO::Scheduler::releaseJob(KIO::SimpleJob*, bool)] called, 
job: 0x4a3878
debug: sam: killing 0
debug: Slave::kill()
debug: Slave::~Slave()
debug: removed client!
debug: saveState!
debug: saveState this=0x48d508 'unnamed' saving URL file:///test.html

===> I enter [tab][tab] <===

launcher: creating slave for protocol file
launcher: error sending launcherSlavePidCmd: Broken pipe
debug: SlaveBase: select() error 9,  Bad file descriptor! exiting!
f 1 8f 0 [1] + Segmentation fault         /konq/bin/konqueror -qws 


2.  The window is very small; about 200 x 150 pixels.

Where do I set the size of the window?  I need 320x240.....  Is this a 
QT setting or konq setting?

Where can I find docs about runtime configuration of konqueror?


konq config

./configure \
        --enable-static \
        --host=arm-linux \
        --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
        --with-qt-dir=/home/arm/qte \
        --with-qt-includes=/home/arm/qte/include \
        --with-qt-libraries=/home/arm/qte/lib \
        --enable-new-ldflags \
        --enable-embedded \
        --enable-qt-embedded \
        --with-extra-libs=/home/arm/lib \
        --with-extra-includes=/home/arm/usr/include \
        --with-javascript=static \
        --disable-pcre \
        --without-ssl \
        --prefix=/home/arm/konq \
        --without-arts \
        --exec-prefix=/home/arm/konq \

<script type="text/javascript">
function startCalc(){
 interval = setInterval("Calc()",1);
function Calc(){
   one = document.autoSumForm.firstBox.value;
   two = document.autoSumForm.secondBox.value;    
document.autoSumForm.thirdBox.value = (one * 1) + (two * 1);
function stopCalc(){
<form name="autoSumForm">
<input type=text name="firstBox" value="" 
onfocus="javascript:startCalc();" onblur="javascript:stopCalc();"> +
<input type=text name="secondBox" value="" 
onfocus="javascript:startCalc();" onblur="javascript:stopCalc();"> =
<input type=text name="thirdBox">


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