Project: Konqueror/Embedded for Qtopia

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at
Thu Jan 12 16:14:35 CET 2006

On Thursday 12 January 2006 13:11, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am glad to announce, that basysKom (my company) concluded a contract to
> port the current version of Konqueror/Embedded based on KDE 3.5 to Qtopia
> PDA Edition 2.2 (based on Qt 2.3.12) and to add a customized GUI with a
> number of additional features.

Hi Eva, welcome to the list!

> Currently Konqueror/Embedded is developed in the kdenox module in SVN. It
> works together with the current version in the 3.5 branch. In order to
> compile Konq/E a script is applied which copies over a number of files,
> patches some of them and further more there exist dropin replacements.
> The whole development setup is somewhat difficult, because we have to
> deal with different Qt versions in parallel and also the desktop/embedded
> environment which is based on patches. We want to suggest the following
> setup:
> - we continue to work with the 3.5 branch of kdelibs, as it is mostly
> stable - we develop new features for the 3.5 version of Konq/E first.

That's the only option for now, since kdelibs 4 is not yet in dependable 
state. In the longer term keeping I hope Qtopia will be ported to Qt4...

> This allows us to copy over code from konqueror and to adapt it.

Umh, the cut and paste work code could go in the src and dropin directories.

> - for the qt2 port we generate a set of compat implementations to
> minimize #ifdef-ed code and a series of patches for the kdesrc code. We
> are doing an initial port right now.

That's ok, maybe a "qt2dropin" directory should be added to the repository?

> - for easier development, we suggest to generate a kdenox branch. This
> way we don't interfere with other people using kdenox. Into this branch
> we would to check in the complete sources (also the one copied from
> kdelibs). From there we would create patches for the current version of
> kdenox.

Do you mean a branch named kdenox-new-gui (for example) with a kdelibs and 
kdenox subdirectory, or do you have some different setup in mind?
Also some more of the patches could be integrated in mainstream kdelibs, 
to minimize the adaptation work after each kdelibs release. Some of the 
patches have been merged in "regular" kdelibs, while some of the others 
need some more work.   

> - wrt the GUI implementation and most of the GUI features we are not sure
> yet. I wonder of how much use this is to other users of Konq/E. Either we
> create an alternative src directory. Maybe it's ok to just have another
> mainwindow.

I don't think that's really needed. From what I see of your feature list,
most things could be implemented as a MainWindow "personality", 
some need more thorough implementation in the dropin replacements, like a 
Line edit widget with history handling, the ssl dialog etc.

If you really want tabs you may have to touch the View and BrowserView 

> Any feedback welcome.
> Greetings,
> eva

Luciano Montanaro //
              \\ //

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