Konqueror embedded Q

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Thu Jan 12 14:24:55 CET 2006

Luciano Montanaro wrote:

>On Wednesday 11 January 2006 17:36, yan seiner wrote:
>>After lots and lots trial and error I finally got a clean compile of
>>both Konq-e and qt-e.
>>Now I am trying to run konq-e.  I get a background that's sort of a
>>beige tan color, and then in the upper left hand corner I get a white
>>rectangle with a small highlighted border.  The rectangle is about 1/8
>>of the screen.
>>There is no browser interface at all....
>You are using the --with-gui=kiosk option, which basically disable the GUI.
>Try --with-gui=X11.
>But your description does not match exactly what I would expect,
>it should show a white window (640x480 if I remember) with a bevel around,
>and no blinking cursor...

Thanks, I got it figured out....  Part of it was a kernel problem that 
limited the system to 4MB RAM, making everything very, very slow and 
causing pthreads to fail....  I finally got it loaded up using a very 
simple web page.

I hope to solve my kernel memory problem this morning, and start cutting 
down on the resources that konq needs....  Right now, between qt and 
libstdc++ and the various konq libs, it needs about 20 MB +!!!

Is there a howto or a guide somewhere on paring down the config to that 
4.5 MB static binary?


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