Linking error

yan seiner yan at
Mon Jan 9 14:12:09 CET 2006

A follow up to my previous post:

Apparently this is some sort of a symbol generation problem....  The 
missing symbols are there; they're just not getting generated correctly...

For example, grepping for NetAccess::download yields

[armhalf]yan at WinXP:/home/src/konqueror3-embedded-0.2-20051128$ grep -r 
NetAccess::download konq-embed/dropin/kio/netaccess.cpp:bool 
NetAccess::download( const KURL &url, QString &target, QWidget * ))
KIO::NetAccess::download(fileurl, local, toplevel) ) {

nm konq-embed/kdesrc/khtml/.libs/libkhtml_i.a
tells us
          U _ZN3KIO9NetAccess8downloadERK4KURLR7QStringP7QWidget

So the symbol is getting generated without the leading KIO????  Is this 
correct?  I don't know enough about c++ to fix it....  But a cursory 
look at the other undefined references show similar results....

I don't know if this hurts or helps....

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