error in konqueror opening

saravanan sar sar_van81 at
Tue Dec 12 15:25:57 CET 2006


i had compiled konqueror3-embedded with qvfb option. but when i tried to open website, it showed me the following errors:

debug: Reading Entry /DisablePassDlg
debug: Reading Entry /AllowCompressedPage
debug: Reading Entry /SendUserAgent
debug: (4361) HTTPProtocol::retrieveContent
debug: (4361) HTTPProtocol::retrieveHeader
debug: (4361) HTTPProtocol::httpOpen
debug: dcopclient::call(kded, networkstatus, status(QString))
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
lt-konqueror: dcopclient.cpp:122: bool DCOPClient::call(const QCString&, const QCString&, const QCString&, const QByteArray&, QCString&, QByteArray&): Assertion `res != -1' failed.
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: (4354) EOD received! Left = 0
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: (4354) HTTPProtocol::httpClose
debug: (4354) HTTPProtocol::httpCloseConnection
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: SlaveBase: read() error 32,  Broken pipe! exiting!

but when i entered, it openning without any errors.the same error came for, websites.

can anyone provide me suggestions and solutions for this....?

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