Script cause KHTML to freeze

Yan Seiner yan at
Fri Apr 21 16:30:43 CEST 2006

yj wrote:

>Hi, I've got the problem's cause but I still don't
>know how to solve this problem,
>The following are codes copied from the sites which
>will cause "KHTML freeze":
> = x + "px";
> = y + "px";
>	function m_s(){var n=new Date().getTime();var
>29 July 2046 00:00:00 UTC;";
>	else write("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript'
>	var spv;if(!spv)m_s();spv=1;
>The above 2 cases will cause "KHTML freeze" in my
>embedded system,
>can you help me?
>thank you and best regards,
Please see the thread on Javascript and konq crash from mid to late 
March of this year on this list....

There is a patch posted by Eva that may help.


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