compiling konq-e from source

Analabha Roy hariseldon99 at
Sun Jan 23 07:25:42 CET 2005

 I just installed familiar 0.8 in my IPAQ 3650 w opie and need to
install the konqueror-embedded package. Since standard ipkg's don't
seem to work on account of them being compiled with older versions of
gcc, I was thinking that maybe I will have to compile from source. I
read the faqs in konq-e's page but have some questions regarding the

1. Do I have to cpmpile it in the ipaq itself, or can I compile it in
my GNU-linux pc with ./configure --enableARM option so it makes
binaries for ARM?

2. If the latter is possible, do I need any special development
libraries so that the binaries run on my IPAQ?

3.If the former is necessary, then what are the devel libs I need to
compile it in opie? Where do I find them?

Please do let me know.
 If the compilation proves successful, I'll try to package the
binaries in an ipk by reading the ipk building howto and distribute it
if I can.

Thanks for your attention

Analabha Roy

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