Javascript Support with Konqe

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at
Tue Apr 19 11:52:24 CEST 2005

El Martes 19 Abril 2005 11:22, Yoon Kah Leow escribió:
> Hi Luciano,
> I checked my 'konq-embedrc' and there is nothing on Javascript settings.
> Btw, I am using kdenox (konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20030705),
> qt/embedded-2.3.10.
> Does it mean that javascript support is not being compiled in even though
> that i have --with-javascript=static --enable-javascript options turned
> on?

I think just adding the following lines to your konq-embedrc should fix your 

[Java/JavaScript Settings]


Luciano Montanaro       //
                    \\ //
                     \x/Un euro, un voto!

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