key event in javascript ?

Pouenat Francois fpouenat at
Fri Sep 17 13:39:38 CEST 2004


I use Konqueror-embeded-snapshot-20030705 compiled with Qt-embedded-2.3.7 
running on an iPAQ-like system (touch screen and few buttons), and I would 
have information about key event in javascript. I have added a small RPC 
handler as a JS host extension, it works fine but now I would call these 
functions in the web page within a keypress event.

I have seen that this feature is not provided yet, but I have seen that 
this problem has already been raised in the mailing list. I am not very 
familiar with Qt and Konqueror architecture thus can someone explain me how 
Konqueror get key event from Qt and how these event are dispatched to the 
listener (DOM, KHTML., KJS, or whatever...) ?
That would be kind if someone who has already solves this problem sends me 
a patch or explains me the mecanism.

I'm not a guru in javascript or even html so if someone has a better 
solution about getting key event and associates it to my javascript 
function, it'ld be wellcome.

Thank for your help


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