My arm-konq-e hates gif !?

Pouenat Francois fpouenat at
Mon Nov 8 18:28:51 CET 2004

Konq-e list members,

I work with the 2004 05 24 konq/e snapshot statically built wit qt embedded 
free v3.2.3.

All is cross compiled for arm and works very well but there is a problem 
with gif support. Each times I load a page with a rescaled gif, konq-e 
crashes after I get these messages :

debug: (333) Emitting mimetype image/gif
debug: (333) SlaveBase::mimeType 'image/gif'
debug: (333) Cache, not adding 
debug: (333) Previous Response: 0
debug: (333) Current Response: 200
debug: (333) HTTPProtocol::readBody: retreive data. 9468 left.
debug: 0x4a0990in CachedImage::data(buffersize 695, eof=false
debug: 0x4a0990in CachedImage::data(buffersize 4791, eof=false
movie updated 0/0/74/74, pixmap size 75/75
debug: SlaveBase: read() error 29,  Illegal seek! exiting!
launcher: creating slave for protocol http
launcher: error sending launcherSlavePidCmd: Broken pipe
debug: ERROR: Could not write data
debug: parsing /root/.kde/share/config/konq-embedrc
debug: (337) HTTPProtocol::reparseConfiguration
debug: SlaveBase: select() error 9,  Bad file descriptor! exiting!
debug: (333) EOD received! Left = 0
debug: (333) HTTPProtocol::httpClose
debug: (333) HTTPProtocol::httpClose: keep alive (15)
debug: SlaveBase: read() error 32,  Broken pipe! exiting!

It seems that a slave exits early and then all others collapses but I don't 
know which one is responsible. I tried with a x86 version but strangely 
this problem didn't appear.

Has anyone else had this problem before ? Do you have any idea about what 
is happening there ?

Is there external dependencies with the QT gif support that might be the 
cause of this ?

Thank for your help


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