konqueror --dump-png google.png http://google.com

Clark C. Evans cce at clarkevans.com
Tue Mar 16 20:39:29 CET 2004

I've produced the following framebuffer solution:

    Xvfb :1 -ac -screen 0 640x480x8 -fbdir /home/cce/xvfb &
    export DISPLAY=:1.0
    konqueror -geometry 640x480+0+0 http://google.com &
    sleep 15
    xwpick -window root -format epsi snap.eps
    xwpick -window root -format gif snap.gif
    killall konqueror
    killall Xvfb

Any suggestions for improving?  For instance, it would
be great if I could put in a "trace" mode in konqueror
where it would write to stdout that it has finished
rendering the page (so I can get rid of "sleep 15").
I think everything else, like killing the correct pids,
could be done via a python script.

Anyway, thank you for such a wonderful browser,


On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 01:06:05PM -0500, Clark C. Evans wrote:
| Hello.  I'm looking for a command line option for dumping
| out a rendering of a webpage to a PNG and/or EPS file for
| use in documentation.  My current application has 50+ 
| web screens and when we change a stylesheet, it is very
| painful to take screen captures...
| Ideally the function would:
|  - let me specify PNG or EPS output (for Docbook)
|  - let me specify the height/width of the rendering window
|  - let me specify the URL where it should be fetched
|  - only show content area (no menus, etc)
| Is something like this possible, for example...
| $ konqueror --dump-png output.png --dump-eps output.eps \
|             --width=640 http://server/location
| Which would simply fetch the page, render it for a screen
| having 640 width, as it would be displayed with CSS styling,
| and then save it as a PNG and/or EPS format.
| Best,
| Clark
| P.S. If konqueror can't do this, any tool that will?
| -- 
| Clark C. Evans                     Prometheus Research, LLC
| Chief Technology Officer           Turning Data Into Knowledge
| cce at prometheusresearch.com         www.prometheusresearch.com
| (main) 203.777.2550                (cell) 203.444.0557
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Clark C. Evans                     Prometheus Research, LLC
Chief Technology Officer           Turning Data Into Knowledge
cce at prometheusresearch.com         www.prometheusresearch.com
(main) 203.777.2550                (cell) 203.444.0557

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