Compiling the latest and greatest

Jason Hihn jhihn at
Tue Feb 3 18:31:02 CET 2004

I'm not one for diff/patch, but here's all I had to do:
For each component that fails (Starting with kconfig_????)
Find the section in the configure script. It'll end with:
   { (exit 1); exit 1; };
I just replaced that with 2 lines:
#   { (exit 1); exit 1; };

This keeps the script from bombing out. Wash, rinse, repeat as necessary.
Attached is my end product.

Verint Systems Inc
-----Original Message-----
From: Johannes Brügmann [mailto:jbrueg at] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 12:22 PM
To: For discussion of Konqueror/Embedded
Subject: Re: Compiling the latest and greatest

Hi all,

Luciano Montanaro schrieb am Fr, 30 Jan 2004 (um 22:42:07 +0100):
> On Friday 30 January 2004 18:32, Jason Hihn wrote:
> > I started from scratch, this time with Qt3.2.3 (rather than 3.3.0 beta)
> > the December snapshot. It went pretty close to textbook. Some doctoring
> > the configure (kconfig, dcop, etc had to be commented out) But I had far
> > less trouble this time.


> > Verint Systems Inc
> > PS I was using RH 7.2, with gcc 2.96 previously, I'm on RH 9.0 now.
> Can I assume you managed to have a working konqueror?
> Your message seems to imply that, but it is not too clear.
> If this is the case, I'd be very interested in a diff from the snapshot.

Me either.... ;-), please.

> I am hoping to release a new snapshot soon. The kconfig problem should be 
> addressed, but I'm not sure about the rest.

      Der  Herr  hat  seinen  Thron im Himmel errichtet, und sein Reich
      herrscht über alles.
      Psalm 103,19
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