saving files

Johannes Brügmann jbrueg at
Tue Feb 3 17:51:48 CET 2004

Hello Barry,

Thank you for your message. 

Barry Kauler schrieb am Sa, 31 Jan 2004 (um 08:17:06 -0800):
> > Anyway, i don't know if there does exist a way to save the destination of a
> > link or the actual shown file onto disk.

> I asked this question awhile back and got no reply, so I guess the
> answer is no, unless something has happened since I asked.

Hm. Maybe if we ask this Question every week an answer will be given in a 
future release of the FAQ? (We could try to «brute force» the answer in this 
way. ;-)

> I use a little app called "Light", which is a very lightweight
> frontend to Mozilla, uses the Moz-embedded libs. Light uses GTK 1.2.
> Light doesn't do any downloading either, but allows the user to
> specify an external program, and the default is "wget".

The problem is, that I like the Konqueror; especially the embedded
version because I don't want to use KDE. w3m is able to save files as

> I reckon to do the same for Konq-e would be simple enough.

I guess the same. But I don't have a plan how to do this -- I looked
at the code, but I don't understand that. They[tm] (re)use KDE code
so it should be possible to use the special KDE functions for
filesaving and -- like your idea -- add a file-save-proto-hook in 
khtmlrc. There already exists a file named ksavefile but it is only 
used for cookies etc. As far as I know.

So it should be possible to do that. The problem is that I don't know
how. Maybe there are special reasons not to do that, I don't know. Does 
anybody know that?

Regards and thanks,
      Der  Herr  hat  seinen  Thron im Himmel errichtet, und sein Reich
      herrscht über alles.
      Psalm 103,19

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