Konq-e for ppc with Flash

Federico Lucifredi federico at speakeasy.net
Mon Dec 6 21:29:35 CET 2004

Hello Gentlemen,
 I am working on a setup for a new embedded board based on the MPC8247 (Motorola PowerPC) microcontroller.

 I am planning to have qt-E as the graphic environment as (1) as a Qt fan I would go for nothing else and (2) the ease of framebuffer driver developemnt. Of course (3), the fact that my boss wants this setup has nothing to do with this :-)

 Konq-e is the ideal choice for browser as most of what I need is flash support, even more than I need a browser. What is the current status of flash support? is it up to v.4 ? 

 I would like a bit of feedback and suggestions from those among you who cross-compiled konq-e on the ppc. What version of Qt did you use? should I use 2.30 as the FAQ says or is that an outdated statement for "a sufficiently new 2.x" ? What version are you running ?

 Thanks for any tip! - Federico

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