porting konqueror-embedded

jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw
Thu Apr 8 04:42:52 CEST 2004

On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 09:01:55AM +0800, hermit wrote:
> Hi,Mayuresh
> 	Thank you very much.
> 	I don't know the relation between KHTML module and other modules in konq/e. it is still hard to
> porting khtml from scratch.
> 	Are there any document about the architecture of konq/e or even the interface which KHTML based on.
> 	Thank you again.
> Best regards
> 	Hermit

Hi Hermit,

  You can take a look the documents of Monqueror in MiniGUI website,
which is their efforts to analyzing Konqueror/Embedded:

- Architecture of Konqueror
- Implementation of DOM in Konqueror
- Implementation of Render in Konqueror

  Also, you are so fortunate that the above documents are written in
Simpilified Chinese. The documents are very essential while porting

Best Regards,
Jim Huang 

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