konq/e customize

tian yuhong tianyuhong at msn.com
Sat May 24 16:52:01 CEST 2003


I want to customize the konq/e,delete some useless features.
Such as I want to delete the ./konq-embed/add-ons directory.
I have edited the ./configure.files,delete the line 
I also edit ./konq-embed/Makefile.am,delete "add-ons" in the line 
"SUBDIRS = dropin kdesrc add-ons src".
Does it be enough?

Then I run automake,get the following error info:
aclocal.m4: 11490: `automake requires `AM_CONFIG_HEADER', not 
configure.in: 11490: required file `./$@)].in' not found

Someone know the reason? My system is Red Hat Linux 7.1

Thanks in advance

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