How to compile Konq-E? (problems with CVS/snapshot version)

Martin Zwickel
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:17:44 +0100

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On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 09:49:50 -0500
Keith Kyzivat <> bubbled:

> Martin Zwickel wrote:
> >Thanks for the answer!!!!
> >
> >My problem is, that im searching for a light-weight
> >html-rendering-engine.
> >Mozilla is way to big and overloaded.
> >so i thought i should use khtml/gtkhtml. i came to khtml, because it
> >is better than gtkhtml.
> >my last problem was, that i have looked for a browser which uses
> >khtml. konqueror uses all the kde-shit and i thought konq-e should be
> >good for a standalone browser.
> >
> >but i have so much troubles getting konq-e to work.
> >argh....
> >
> Hmm.. Luciano checked in the changes to go to KDE3.1 a month or so
> ago, and it should work with Qt/X11 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 with the
> aforementioned change, methinks.  Me on the other hand, I'm using Qt/E
> (the smaller, lighter weight, framebuffer oriented variant of Qt), and
> there are still bugs in the CVS head version.
> If you aren't, here's what you should pull from CVS:
> Konq/E (kdenox module) head and kdelibs 3.1 branch:
> cvs co kdenox
> cvs co -r KDE_3_1_BRANCH kdelibs
yes, i have the KDE3.1 libs.

> I'm not sure if Luciano has finished/checked in/etc the QT clipboard 
> support (the error you last mentioned seeing), so if you see the
> error, try recompiling with -DQT_NO_CLIPBOARD.
compiling with QT_NO_CLIPBOARD and luciano's configure!
i think it will work soon!

thanks for the help!!!


Martin Zwickel <>

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