Konq/E CVS Head: past the vpath problem

Luciano Montanaro konq-e@mail.kde.org
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:48:38 +0100

fredag 14 mars 2003, 18:57, skrev Keith Kyzivat:
> Ok, I've found what looks like a real bug now.
>     html_objectimpl.cpp: In method `class KJavaApplet *
> DOM::HTMLAppletElementImpl::applet() const':
>     html_objectimpl.cpp:153: parse error before `*'
> Looking in html_objectimpl.cpp:45-48, I see this:
>     #ifndef Q_WS_QWS // We don't have Java in Qt Embedded
>     #include "java/kjavaappletwidget.h"
>     #include "java/kjavaappletcontext.h"
>     #endif
> html_objectimpl.cpp:148-154:
>     KJavaApplet* HTMLAppletElementImpl::applet() const
>     {
>         if (!m_render || !m_render->isApplet())
>             return 0L;
>         return
> static_cast<KJavaAppletWidget*>(static_cast<RenderApplet*>(m_render)->wid=
>t())->applet(); }
> Luciano, have you tried this with Qt/Embedded? or were your tests with
> Qt only?
> It's looking like you tried it with Qt only.

Yes, I only tried Qt-X11, that's the environment I am working with.
=46eel free to send patches to make kdenox work with QT-embedded, though!
That's clearly the main scope of the project.=20

If I understand the problem, we have to ask kde mantainers to remove the=20
#ifdef, isn't it? We are using stubs for the missing classes anyway.=20

> So, since Qt/E doesn't support Java, I simply #ifndef'ed the return and
> in the case of Q_WS_QWS, put in a null return.
> Bear with me a little -- I'm still getting into the swing of doing
> actual code changes to OS projects, what is politically correct,
> when to talk so you don't bother the core developers time, etc.
> Ok, next error.. unsure how to proceed from here.  This one makes me
> quite sure that you've been using Qt and not Qt/e...
> Qt/E doesn't support rtti (defines -fno-rtti), and I've got a place
> where a dynamic_cast is used (rightfully so).
>     khtmlview.cpp: In method `void KHTMLView::closeChildDialogs()':
>     khtmlview.cpp:473: taking dynamic typeid of object with -fno-rtti
> Not sure how to proceed from here.  Is there some sort of Hashed class
> ID in a base class that can be used for identification?

I don't know, I'll try to check.=20


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