Konq/E CVS Head

Luciano Montanaro konq-e@mail.kde.org
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:36:13 +0100

torsdag 13 mars 2003, 19:51, skrev Keith Kyzivat:

> Here's the steps I took, and their results (see attached output files):
> 1.) I pulled the kdenox (head) and kdelibs (KDE_3_1_BRANCH) modules,
> both in the same directory.
> 2.) Changed to the kdenox directory, and ran make -f Makefile.cvs,
>     Received some 'Deprecated' warnings which I assume are to be
> expected, and some cp and rm errors, which I wouldn't expect.

They are 'normal'. I didn't remove all the cp/rm that are not needed for=20
kdelibs3.1, but were for kdelibs3.0. Maybe it's time to clean up=20
prepare_kde_sources. And to make patches relative to current sources.

> kdenox/konq-embed/kdesrc/kio/http/kio/http.h:In file included from:
>     | ../../../../konq-embed/dropin/kio/slavebase.cpp:32:|
>     |../../../../konq-embed/dropin/kio/../../kdesrc/kio/http/http.h:39:
>     kio/http.h: No such file or directory|
> This doesn't look quite right.  Is there really supposed to be a kio
> directory underneath kio/http?

The kio directory in question should be under kdesrc/interfaces.
Can you check if in the Makefile.am the INCLUDES macro contains=20
$(srcdir)/../../interfaces ?


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